How to convert a 16-digit GPON SN to a 12-digit GPON SN?
if your GPON sn is [4857544312345678],then you can input ploam format ASCII(10 characters) [HWTC12345678] 48575443 hexadecimal string = ASCII HWTC
if your GPON sn is [4857544312345678],then you can input ploam format ASCII(10 characters) [HWTC12345678] 48575443 hexadecimal string = ASCII HWTC
Small size. Compared to a regular GPON ONU, GPON STICK,GPON STICK is petite and takes up very little space. Reduce
2.5G GPON/EPON ONU LL-XZ110 Prepare for login the ONU web managementBefore you login the ONU,you should confirm the connect between
The popularity and deployment of 5G or Wi-Fi 6 poses a huge challenge to PON, the main technology supporting enterprise
pon (Passive Optical Network) is a passive optical network, which means that the ODN (optical distribution network) between the OLT
When onu is powered on, it will be in this state, that is, LOS/LOF state. When onu receives a downstream
This is an operation guide about xpon stick LL-XS2510/dfp-34x-2c2 with RTL960x chip. The terminal devices Stick are designed for fulfilling
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